1. Pandas

pandas stands for Python Data Analysis Library. Two of the main data structures in pandas are Series and DataFrame. The series data structure is a glorified list with batteries included, and the dataframe is a glorified table with extra, extra batteries included. You get a lot of additional and handy features by using these data structures to store and represent your data as lists or tables.

1.1. Pandas Series

The easiest way to understand a Series is to simply create one. At the data level, a series is simply just a list of data.

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
dtype: int64

With every element in the list is a corresponding index. The index may not seem important at first glance, but it is very important later when you need to filter or slice the series. If you do not specify the index for each element, a sequential and numeric one is created automatically (starting from zero). Here is how you can create a series with the index specified.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=[10, 11, 12, 13])
10    1
11    2
12    3
13    4
dtype: int64

The index can also be string type.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
a    1
b    2
c    3
d    4
dtype: int64

You can access the index and values of a series individually.

Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='object')
array([1, 2, 3, 4])

Why would you ever want string values for an index? Let’s say we have a count of left and right handedness in a room. We can represent this data as a series.

s = pd.Series([10, 15], index=['left', 'right'])
left     10
right    15
dtype: int64

And then, we can magically plot the bar chart showing the counts of left and right handedness in the room.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3))
_ = s.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)

1.1.1. Functions

There are just too many useful functions attached to a series. Here’s a few that are interesting.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
_mean = s.mean()
_min = s.min()
_max = s.max()
_std = s.std()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3))
_ = s.cumsum().plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)
_ = s.cumsum().plot(kind='line', ax=ax, color='blue')
_ = ax.set_title(f'min={_min:.2f}, mean={_mean:.2f}, max={_max:.2f}, std={_std:.2f}')

The value_counts() function can quickly give you the frequencies of unique values.

s = pd.Series([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4])
4    4
2    3
3    2
1    2
dtype: int64

1.1.2. Filtering

Filtering is important. Let’s see how to filter based on values.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
s1 = s[s > 2]
2    3
3    4
dtype: int64

How do we filter based on index?

s2 = s[s.index < 2]
0    1
1    2
dtype: int64
s2 = s[s.index.isin([0, 1])]
0    1
1    2
dtype: int64

1.1.3. Iteration

Iteration of the index and values of a series is accomplished with zip.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
for i, v in zip(s.index, s.values):
    print(f'{i}: {v}')
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
e: 5

1.1.4. To dataframe

We will talk about Pandas dataframes next, but for now, it’s quite easy to convert a series to a dataframe using .to_frame(). Note that we have to supply the name so that the column name is meaningful.

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], name='number')
a    1
b    2
c    3
d    4
e    5
Name: number, dtype: int64
a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
e 5

1.2. Pandas Dataframes

Dataframes are the most powerful data structure in pandas. As a start, it’s helpful to simply think of a dataframe as a table. Below, we create a dataframe from a list of tuples, where each tuple is a pair of numbers. Notice how the columns are not specified and so they default to 0 and 1, and the index is not specified so a numeric, sequential one is created.

df = pd.DataFrame([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)])
0 1
0 1 2
1 3 4
2 5 6

If we wanted to specify the column names, supply a list of column names.

df = pd.DataFrame([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], columns=['x', 'y'])
x y
0 1 2
1 3 4
2 5 6

If we need to specify the index, supply a list of index for each row.

df = pd.DataFrame([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], columns=['x', 'y'], index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6

There’s other ways to create a dataframe. Let’s use a list of dictionaries. Notice how we do not need to supply a list of column names?

df = pd.DataFrame([
    {'x': 1, 'y': 2},
    {'x': 3, 'y': 4},
    {'x': 5, 'y': 6}
], index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 5 6

Above, we used a list of dictionaries, below, we use a dictionary of lists.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 4 5

1.2.1. Properties

There’s a lot of neat and useful properties and functions attached to a dataframe. The dtypes property gives you the data types of your fields.

x    int64
y    int64
dtype: object

You can set the type of your data when you create a data frame by supplying the dtype value.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='int32')
x    int32
y    int32
dtype: object

Look at what happens when you have missing values and do not specify the type. The y column is now of type float64.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, None]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])
x      int64
y    float64
dtype: object

Look at what happens when you have missing values and attempt to specify the type. The y column is now of type object.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, None]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='int32')
x     int32
y    object
dtype: object

If you need to know the dimensions of your dataframe, use the shape property.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

(3, 2)

You can turn your dataframe into a numpy array using values.

array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [4, 5]])

1.2.2. Columns or fields

You can access each column by bracket [] or dot notation .. To access a column by name, specify the column name inside the brackets.

a    1
b    3
c    4
Name: x, dtype: int64
a    2
b    4
c    5
Name: y, dtype: int64

Multiple columns may be selecting by passing a list of column names.

df[['x', 'y']]
x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 4 5

To access the columns by dot notation, do the following. Be careful when accessing columns/fields using dot notation; if you have a field that is named the same as a function attached to the dataframe (e.g. mean), the function has precedence over the field (e.g. df['mean'] is preferred over df.mean).

a    1
b    3
c    4
Name: x, dtype: int64
a    2
b    4
c    5
Name: y, dtype: int64

Note that accessing a column will return that column as a series, and the usual series properties and functions may be applied.


1.2.3. Rows or records

To access the rows or records, use iloc and specify the numeric location value or loc and specify the index value. Below, .iloc[0] refers to the first record.

x    1
y    2
Name: a, dtype: int64

Below, .loc['a'] refers to the row corresponding to the a index value.

x    1
y    2
Name: a, dtype: int64

Multiple rows may be selected by numeric index through slicing.

x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
x y
c 4 5

Accessing rows/records using loc or iloc typically returns another dataframe (as opposed to bracket and dot notations with columns, which returns a series).

1.2.4. Methods

Use describe() to get summary statistics over your fields.

x y
count 3.000000 3.000000
mean 2.666667 3.666667
std 1.527525 1.527525
min 1.000000 2.000000
25% 2.000000 3.000000
50% 3.000000 4.000000
75% 3.500000 4.500000
max 4.000000 5.000000

The info() method gives other types of field profiling information.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 3 entries, a to c
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------  --------------  -----
 0   x       3 non-null      int64
 1   y       3 non-null      int64
dtypes: int64(2)
memory usage: 152.0+ bytes

The cummulative sum is retrieved by calling cumsum().

x y
a 1 2
b 4 6
c 8 11

You can mathematically operate on a dataframe. Below, we turn the integer values into percentages.

df / df.sum()
x y
a 0.125 0.181818
b 0.375 0.363636
c 0.500 0.454545

Transposing is easy.

a b c
x 1 3 4
y 2 4 5

You can also transpose a dataframe as follows.

a b c
x 1 3 4
y 2 4 5

1.2.5. Conversion

There’s quite a few different ways to convert fields.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
    'y': ['2021-12-01', '2021-12-02', '2021-12-03'],
    'z': ['10', '20', '30']

x y z
0 1.0 2021-12-01 10
1 2.0 2021-12-02 20
2 3.0 2021-12-03 30

Use pd.to_datetime() to convert str to datetime64[ns].

0   2021-12-01
1   2021-12-02
2   2021-12-03
Name: y, dtype: datetime64[ns]
pd.to_datetime(df.y, format='%Y-%m-%d')
0   2021-12-01
1   2021-12-02
2   2021-12-03
Name: y, dtype: datetime64[ns]

The astype() function can also be used to convert data types.

0   2021-12-01
1   2021-12-02
2   2021-12-03
Name: y, dtype: datetime64[ns]
0    1
1    2
2    3
Name: x, dtype: int64
0    10
1    20
2    30
Name: z, dtype: int64

1.2.6. Joining and concatenating

Dataframes can be joined. The easiest way is to join two dataframes based on index values. This stacks up the dataframes horizontally or the wide way.

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'v': [6, 7, 8],
    'w': [9, 10, 11]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

x y v w
a 1 2 6 9
b 3 4 7 10
c 4 5 8 11

If the field you want to join on is not in the index, you can set the index set_index() to the field you want to join on at join time.

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'id': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'id': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    'v': [6, 7, 8],
    'w': [9, 10, 11]

df1.set_index('id') \
x y v w
a 1 2 6 9
b 3 4 7 10
c 4 5 8 11

If you want the id colum back into the dataframe, then call reset_index() after joining.

df1.set_index('id') \
    .join(df2.set_index('id')) \
id x y v w
0 a 1 2 6 9
1 b 3 4 7 10
2 c 4 5 8 11

Dataframes can also be concatenated vertically or the long way.

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [6, 7, 8],
    'y': [9, 10, 11]
}, index=['d', 'e', 'f'])

pd.concat([df1, df2])
x y
a 1 2
b 3 4
c 4 5
d 6 9
e 7 10
f 8 11

1.2.7. Multiple indexes

Indexes plays a very important role in organizing your data in a dataframe. For the most part, we have shown a single index on a dataframe. But a dataframe can have a multiple indices using MultiIndex. Below, we create a fictitious set of data of handedness and sports by gender.

row_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
    ('left', 'soccer'),
    ('left', 'baseball'),
    ('right', 'soccer'),
    ('right', 'baseball')])
data = {
    'male': [5, 10, 15, 20],
    'female': [6, 11, 20, 25]
pd.DataFrame(data, index=row_index)
male female
left soccer 5 6
baseball 10 11
right soccer 15 20
baseball 20 25

The column index can also have multiple indexes.

row_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
    ('left', 'soccer'),
    ('left', 'baseball'),
    ('right', 'soccer'),
    ('right', 'baseball')])

col_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
    ('amateur', 'male'),
    ('amateur', 'female'),
    ('pro', 'male'),
    ('pro', 'female')

data = [
    [5, 10, 15, 20],
    [6, 11, 20, 25],
    [10, 11, 25, 30],
    [15, 17, 30, 35]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=row_index, columns=col_index)
amateur pro
male female male female
left soccer 5 10 15 20
baseball 6 11 20 25
right soccer 10 11 25 30
baseball 15 17 30 35

1.2.8. Filtering rows

Let’s see how filtering for records in a dataframe works. One filtering approach is by index.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

df[df.x >= 3]
x y
b 3 4
c 4 5

We can filter by index using boolean logic with and (&) or or (|). Notice how we have to use parentheses around the comparisons?

df[(df.x >= 3) & (df.y > 4)]
x y
c 4 5
df[(df.x >= 3) | (df.y > 4)]
x y
b 3 4
c 4 5

If you are familiar with Structured Query Language SQL, you can filter using the query() method specifying the conditions as in a SQL where clause.

df.query('x >= 3 and y > 4')
x y
c 4 5
df.query('x >= 3 or y > 4')
x y
b 3 4
c 4 5

You can also use numpy to filter rows.

import numpy as np

df[np.logical_and(df.x >= 3, df.y > 4)]
x y
c 4 5
df[np.logical_or(df.x >= 3, df.y > 4)]
x y
b 3 4
c 4 5
df[np.logical_not(df.x == 3)]
x y
a 1 2
c 4 5

What about filtering date fields?

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [i for i in range(1, 32)],
    'y': pd.to_datetime([f'2021-12-{i:02}' for i in range(1, 32)])

x y
0 1 2021-12-01
1 2 2021-12-02
2 3 2021-12-03
3 4 2021-12-04
4 5 2021-12-05
df.query('y > "2021-12-25"')
x y
25 26 2021-12-26
26 27 2021-12-27
27 28 2021-12-28
28 29 2021-12-29
29 30 2021-12-30
30 31 2021-12-31
df[df.y > '2021-12-25']
x y
25 26 2021-12-26
26 27 2021-12-27
27 28 2021-12-28
28 29 2021-12-29
29 30 2021-12-30
30 31 2021-12-31
df.query('"2021-12-20" < y  < "2021-12-25"')
x y
20 21 2021-12-21
21 22 2021-12-22
22 23 2021-12-23
23 24 2021-12-24
df[('2021-12-20' < df.y) & (df.y < '2021-12-25')]
x y
20 21 2021-12-21
21 22 2021-12-22
22 23 2021-12-23
23 24 2021-12-24

What about filtering against a multi-index?

row_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
    ('left', 'soccer'),
    ('left', 'baseball'),
    ('right', 'soccer'),
    ('right', 'baseball')])

col_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([
    ('amateur', 'male'),
    ('amateur', 'female'),
    ('pro', 'male'),
    ('pro', 'female')

data = [
    [5, 10, 15, 20],
    [6, 11, 20, 25],
    [10, 11, 25, 30],
    [15, 17, 30, 35]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=row_index, columns=col_index)
amateur pro
male female male female
left soccer 5 10 15 20
baseball 6 11 20 25
right soccer 10 11 25 30
baseball 15 17 30 35
df[df.index.isin(['left'], level=0)]
amateur pro
male female male female
left soccer 5 10 15 20
baseball 6 11 20 25
df[df.index.isin(['right'], level=0)]
amateur pro
male female male female
right soccer 10 11 25 30
baseball 15 17 30 35
df[df.index.isin(['soccer'], level=1)]
amateur pro
male female male female
left soccer 5 10 15 20
right soccer 10 11 25 30
df[df.index.isin(['baseball'], level=1)]
amateur pro
male female male female
left baseball 6 11 20 25
right baseball 15 17 30 35

1.2.9. Filtering columns

What about subsetting or slicing multi-index columns?

df.loc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(0).isin(['amateur'])]
male female
left soccer 5 10
baseball 6 11
right soccer 10 11
baseball 15 17
df.loc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(0).isin(['pro'])]
male female
left soccer 15 20
baseball 20 25
right soccer 25 30
baseball 30 35
df.loc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1).isin(['male'])]
amateur pro
male male
left soccer 5 15
baseball 6 20
right soccer 10 25
baseball 15 30
df.loc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1).isin(['female'])]
amateur pro
female female
left soccer 10 20
baseball 11 25
right soccer 11 30
baseball 17 35

1.2.10. Iteration

How do we iterate over a dataframe? Use the iterrows() function.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

for _index, row in df.iterrows():
    s = {c: row[c] for c in df.columns}
    print(f'{_index}: {s}')
a: {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
b: {'x': 3, 'y': 4}
c: {'x': 4, 'y': 5}

1.2.11. Transformation by row

What if we want to create a new column based on the whole row? Use the apply method on the dataframe and specify the axis to be 1 for column.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

df['z'] = df.apply(lambda r: r.x + r.y, axis=1)
x y z
a 1 2 3
b 3 4 7
c 4 5 9

1.2.12. Transformation by column

What if we want to create a new column based on a column? Use the apply method on the column.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': [1, 3, 4],
    'y': [2, 4, 5]
}, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

df['z'] = df.x.apply(lambda x: x**2)
x y z
a 1 2 1
b 3 4 9
c 4 5 16

1.2.13. Transformation of a dataframe

If you need to transform the dataframe as a whole, you should use the pipe() function which can be chained in a fluent way. Below, we have made up data on students; we have their handedness and overall numeric grade. We want to transform the encoding of handedness from 0 and 1 to left and right, respectively, and also numeric grade to letter grade. It will be fun to also transform the name to be properly cased and decomposed into its component parts (first name and last name).

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'score': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65]
name handedness score
0 john doe 0 0.95
1 jack smith 1 0.85
2 jason demming 0 0.75
3 joe turing 1 0.65

Take notice that each of these transformations return the dataframe. Otherwise, you will have None returned and chaining will break.

def properly_case(df):
    df.name = df.name.apply(lambda n: n.title())
    return df

def decompose_name(df):
    df['first_name'] = df.name.apply(lambda n: n.split(' ')[0].strip())
    df['last_name'] = df.name.apply(lambda n: n.split(' ')[1].strip())
    return df

def reencode_handedness(df):
    df.handedness = df.handedness.apply(lambda h: 'left' if h == 0 else 'right')
    return df

def convert_letter_grade(df):
    def get_letter_grade(g):
        if g >= 0.90:
            return 'A'
        elif g >= 0.80:
            return 'B'
        elif g >= 0.70:
            return 'C'
        elif g >= 0.60:
            return 'D'
            return 'F'
    df['grade'] = df.score.apply(lambda s: get_letter_grade(s))
    return df

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'score': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65]

df \
    .pipe(properly_case) \
    .pipe(decompose_name) \
    .pipe(reencode_handedness) \

name handedness score first_name last_name grade
0 John Doe left 0.95 John Doe A
1 Jack Smith right 0.85 Jack Smith B
2 Jason Demming left 0.75 Jason Demming C
3 Joe Turing right 0.65 Joe Turing D

If you are piping a lot transformations, use the line continuation character \.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'score': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65]

df = df.pipe(properly_case)\

name handedness score first_name last_name grade
0 John Doe left 0.95 John Doe A
1 Jack Smith right 0.85 Jack Smith B
2 Jason Demming left 0.75 Jason Demming C
3 Joe Turing right 0.65 Joe Turing D

The line continuation character can become a nuisance, so wrap your chaining inside parentheses.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'score': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65]

df = (df.pipe(properly_case)

name handedness score first_name last_name grade
0 John Doe left 0.95 John Doe A
1 Jack Smith right 0.85 Jack Smith B
2 Jason Demming left 0.75 Jason Demming C
3 Joe Turing right 0.65 Joe Turing D

You can also use the assign() function to modify columns or create new ones. The difference between pipe() and assign() is that the former can create multiple columns per invocation and the latter is used to create one column per invocation.

score2grade = lambda s: 'A' if s >= 0.9 else 'B' if s >= 0.8 else 'C' if s >= 0.7 else 'D' if s >= 0.6 else 'F'

    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'score': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65]
    name=lambda d: d['name'].apply(lambda n: n.title()),
    handedness=lambda d: d['handedness'].apply(lambda h: 'left' if h == 0 else 'right'),
    first_name=lambda d: d['name'].apply(lambda n: n.split(' ')[0]),
    last_name=lambda d: d['name'].apply(lambda n: n.split(' ')[1]),
    grade=lambda d: d['score'].apply(score2grade)
name handedness score first_name last_name grade
0 John Doe left 0.95 John Doe A
1 Jack Smith right 0.85 Jack Smith B
2 Jason Demming left 0.75 Jason Demming C
3 Joe Turing right 0.65 Joe Turing D

The assign() function also takes in a dictionary where keys are strings (field names) and values are callable.

    'name': ['john doe', 'jack smith', 'jason demming', 'joe turing'],
    'handedness': [0, 1, 0, 1],
    'spelling': [0.95, 0.85, 0.75, 0.65],
    'math': [0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95]
    'spelling': lambda d: d['spelling'].apply(score2grade),
    'math': lambda d: d['math'].apply(score2grade)
name handedness spelling math
0 john doe 0 A D
1 jack smith 1 B C
2 jason demming 0 C B
3 joe turing 1 D A

If you want, you can use a dictionary comprehension with assign() as well.

    'd1': ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02'],
    'd2': ['2022-02-01', '2022-02-02']
}).assign(**{c: lambda d: pd.to_datetime(d[c]) for c in ['d1', 'd2']})
d1 d2
0 2022-02-01 2022-02-01
1 2022-02-02 2022-02-02

1.2.14. Aggregation

Aggregations are typically accomplished by grouping and then performing a summary statistic operation. Below, we generate fake data. There will be some categorical variables (fields) such as sport, handedness, league and gender, and one continuous variable called stats. Stats is made up and means nothing;

from itertools import product, chain
import numpy as np
import random
from random import randint


sports = ['baseball', 'basketball']
handedness = ['left', 'right']
leagues = ['amateur', 'pro']
genders = ['male', 'female']

get_mean = lambda tup: ord(tup[0][0]) + ord(tup[1][0]) + ord(tup[2][0]) + ord(tup[3][0])
get_samples = lambda m, n: np.random.normal(m, 1.0, n)

data = product(*[sports, handedness, leagues, genders])
data = map(lambda tup: (tup, get_mean(tup)), data)
data = map(lambda tup: (tup[0], get_samples(tup[1], randint(5, 20))), data)
data = map(lambda tup: [tup[0] + (m, ) for m in tup[1]], data)
data = chain(*data)

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender', 'stats'])
sport handedness league gender stats
0 baseball left amateur male 411.945536
1 baseball left amateur male 412.674308
2 baseball left amateur male 412.346647
3 baseball left amateur male 410.699654
4 baseball left amateur male 413.518512

What if we wanted the mean of the stats by sports? Notice how below, the resulting dataframe has a multi-index column?

baseball 420.689231
basketball 416.167987

To get rid of the first level (or the mean level), use the droplevel() function.

    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
baseball 420.689231
basketball 416.167987

We can also get the means of the stats by handedness, league and gender alone.

    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
left 416.043975
right 420.895420
    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
amateur 410.813160
pro 426.221361
    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
female 415.605160
male 422.512933

If we wanted the means by more than one variable, just expand the list of column names as follows.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness'])\
    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
sport handedness
baseball left 419.432848
right 421.728995
basketball left 412.915783
right 419.844391
df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league'])\
    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
sport handedness league
baseball left amateur 409.109277
pro 423.267318
right amateur 412.970497
pro 429.357364
basketball left amateur 408.508027
pro 423.788250
right amateur 412.780854
pro 428.253365
df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .droplevel(1, axis=1)
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072
male 412.350309
pro female 420.155320
male 426.962816
right amateur female 410.961691
male 417.741414
pro female 426.160493
male 433.239279
basketball left amateur female 404.991257
male 412.220172
pro female 420.208283
male 426.174895
right amateur female 410.826709
male 417.805797
pro female 425.894610
male 432.970873

To request more aggregation summary statistics, expand the list of aggregations.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801
male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753

1.2.15. Sorting

The function sort_values can sort the records by index. Below, we sort by gender. If not specified, the sort will always be ascendingly.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)\
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801
pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
baseball left amateur male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
pro male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
right amateur male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
pro male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball left amateur male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
pro male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
right amateur male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
pro male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753

Now we sort by gender and league.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)\
    .sort_values(['gender', 'league'])
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801
right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
baseball left pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
right pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
basketball left pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
right pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
baseball left amateur male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
right amateur male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
basketball left amateur male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
right amateur male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
baseball left pro male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
right pro male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball left pro male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
right pro male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753

Now we sort by gender, league and handedness.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)\
    .sort_values(['gender', 'league', 'handedness'])
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
baseball right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
basketball right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
baseball left pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
basketball left pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
baseball right pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
basketball right pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
baseball left amateur male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
basketball left amateur male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
baseball right amateur male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
basketball right amateur male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
baseball left pro male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
basketball left pro male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
baseball right pro male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball right pro male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753

Finally, we sort by gender, league, handedness and sport.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)\
    .sort_values(['gender', 'league', 'handedness', 'sport'])
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
baseball right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
basketball right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
baseball left pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
basketball left pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
baseball right pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
basketball right pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
baseball left amateur male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
basketball left amateur male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
baseball right amateur male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
basketball right amateur male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
baseball left pro male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
basketball left pro male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
baseball right pro male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball right pro male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753

We may specify how to sort each index. Below, we sort descendingly for all indices.

df.groupby(['sport', 'handedness', 'league', 'gender'])\
    .agg(['mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'std'])\
    .droplevel(0, axis=1)\
    .sort_values(['gender', 'league', 'handedness', 'sport'], ascending=[False, False, False, False])
mean min max sum std
sport handedness league gender
basketball right pro male 432.970873 431.193658 433.845848 3030.796113 0.881753
baseball right pro male 433.239279 431.260819 435.228304 6065.349899 1.216080
basketball left pro male 426.174895 425.338888 427.405752 3835.574056 0.703688
baseball left pro male 426.962816 424.930852 428.893506 6831.405049 1.049972
basketball right amateur male 417.805797 416.448519 419.818477 2924.640580 1.117527
baseball right amateur male 417.741414 416.262047 419.593947 3341.931309 1.193814
basketball left amateur male 412.220172 410.654588 413.798044 7419.963096 0.959847
baseball left amateur male 412.350309 410.699654 413.518512 2886.452162 0.891856
basketball right pro female 425.894610 424.206988 427.819129 5962.524544 0.875827
baseball right pro female 426.160493 424.113997 428.211154 7244.728380 1.090030
basketball left pro female 420.208283 419.230094 421.625440 2521.249697 0.813595
baseball left pro female 420.155320 417.947217 421.759028 7982.951080 1.069645
basketball right amateur female 410.826709 408.707288 412.402071 7394.880760 1.003581
baseball right amateur female 410.961691 409.547163 412.946440 7808.272122 0.921281
basketball left amateur female 404.991257 403.477167 406.783491 7694.833890 1.128673
baseball left amateur female 405.328072 404.172421 406.228386 2431.968434 0.803801

1.2.16. Long and wide

Data can be stored in a dataframe in long or wide format. In the long format, data points corresponding to a logical entity spans multiple records. In the wide format, data points corresponding to a logical entity are all in one record.

Here’s an example of a dataframe storing the grades of students (the student is the logical entity) in wide format for three exams. There is only 1 record per student.

wdf = pd.DataFrame([
    {'name': 'john', 'exam1': 90, 'exam2': 88, 'exam3': 95},
    {'name': 'jack', 'exam1': 88, 'exam2': 85, 'exam3': 89},
    {'name': 'mary', 'exam1': 95, 'exam2': 88, 'exam3': 95}
name exam1 exam2 exam3
0 john 90 88 95
1 jack 88 85 89
2 mary 95 88 95

Here is the same data in the wide format stored in a long format. There are multiple records per student.

ldf = pd.DataFrame([
    {'name': 'john', 'exam': 1, 'score': 90},
    {'name': 'john', 'exam': 2, 'score': 88},
    {'name': 'john', 'exam': 3, 'score': 95},
    {'name': 'jack', 'exam': 1, 'score': 88},
    {'name': 'jack', 'exam': 2, 'score': 85},
    {'name': 'jack', 'exam': 3, 'score': 89},
    {'name': 'mary', 'exam': 1, 'score': 95},
    {'name': 'mary', 'exam': 2, 'score': 88},
    {'name': 'mary', 'exam': 3, 'score': 95}
name exam score
0 john 1 90
1 john 2 88
2 john 3 95
3 jack 1 88
4 jack 2 85
5 jack 3 89
6 mary 1 95
7 mary 2 88
8 mary 3 95

Use the melt() function to convert from wide to long format.

pd.melt(wdf, id_vars='name', var_name='exam', value_name='score')
name exam score
0 john exam1 90
1 jack exam1 88
2 mary exam1 95
3 john exam2 88
4 jack exam2 85
5 mary exam2 88
6 john exam3 95
7 jack exam3 89
8 mary exam3 95

Use the pivot() function to convert from long to wide format.

ldf.pivot(index='name', columns='exam', values='score')
exam 1 2 3
jack 88 85 89
john 90 88 95
mary 95 88 95

After using melt() and pivot(), you will still have to do some post-processing clean up to name the values or columns, respectively, to your liking.

1.2.17. Styling

Styling dataframes is fun. Access the .style field and you can chain applymap() to style the cells. The subset argument will apply the styling on to the specified list of columns.

def power_color(v, df, field):
    m = df[field].mean()
    s = df[field].std()

    if v > m + s:
        return 'background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.18)'
    elif v < m - s:
        return 'background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0, 0.18)'
        return None

def ratio_color(v):
    if v > 1.05:
        return 'background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0, 0.18)'
    elif v < 0.95:
        return 'background-color: rgb(0, 0, 255, 0.18)'
        return None

df = pd.read_csv('./data/to-formation-anonymous.csv')

disp_df = df[['name', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P_TOTAL', 'PLAYER_POWER', 'RATIO']]\
    .applymap(lambda v: power_color(v, df, 'P1'), subset=['P1'])\
    .applymap(lambda v: power_color(v, df, 'P2'), subset=['P2'])\
    .applymap(lambda v: power_color(v, df, 'P3'), subset=['P3'])\
    .applymap(lambda v: power_color(v, df, 'P4'), subset=['P4'])\
    .applymap(lambda v: f'background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0, {v / df["PLAYER_POWER"].max()})', subset=['PLAYER_POWER'])\
    .applymap(ratio_color, subset=['RATIO'])\
        'P1': '{:,.0f}',
        'P2': '{:,.0f}',
        'P3': '{:,.0f}',
        'P4': '{:,.0f}',
        'P_TOTAL': '{:,.0f}',
        'PLAYER_POWER': '{:,.0f}',
        'RATIO': '{:.3f}'
    .highlight_null(null_color='rgb(255, 255, 0, 0.18)')

0 Player13 2,564,000 2,230,000 1,866,864 41,662 6,702,526 8,800,000 0.762
1 Player09 2,600,000 2,521,000 417,339 1,374,624 6,912,963 8,553,120 0.808
2 Player06 2,564,268 2,112,148 2,100,000 67,800 6,844,216 9,000,000 0.760
3 Player12 2,400,000 2,200,000 1,534,464 1,641,024 7,775,488 7,145,463 1.088
4 Player10 2,521,548 2,480,964 2,262,000 1,231,360 8,495,872 7,360,000 1.154
5 Player39 155,370 1,605,504 1,481,184 1,900,000 5,142,058 6,407,216 0.803
6 Player23 1,861,544 1,509,304 1,484,736 308,976 5,164,560 4,822,286 1.071
7 Player07 1,763,272 1,493,764 1,230,000 902,504 5,389,540 5,289,520 1.019
8 Player35 1,763,262 1,636,584 1,630,000 1,653,000 6,682,846 6,134,896 1.089
9 Player28 1,753,208 1,572,056 1,251,636 74,446 4,651,346 4,530,650 1.027
10 Player36 1,697,264 1,526,620 1,346,498 1,120,103 5,690,485 5,538,160 1.028
11 Player05 1,679,208 1,493,468 1,200,000 858,252 5,230,928 5,091,200 1.027
12 Player24 1,661,448 1,536,536 1,269,692 980,648 5,448,324 5,333,624 1.022
13 Player34 1,652,864 1,503,384 1,177,784 893,624 5,227,656 5,170,528 1.011
14 Player15 1,643,688 1,386,464 1,296,184 944,092 5,270,428 5,204,864 1.013
15 Player27 1,643,688 1,538,016 919,300 560,000 4,661,004 4,479,570 1.041
16 Player19 1,643,688 1,182,000 998,408 508,974 4,333,070 4,104,010 1.056
17 Player02 1,643,688 1,552,224 1,272,504 986,420 5,454,836 5,358,784 1.018
18 Player20 1,606,984 1,485,624 1,391,664 996,632 5,480,904 5,320,504 1.030
19 Player16 1,606,894 1,485,624 1,544,824 1,053,464 5,690,806 5,562,284 1.023
20 Player04 1,605,504 110,378 1,312,760 766,344 3,794,986 5,117,840 0.742
21 Player21 1,605,504 1,286,268 725,331 344,892 3,961,995 3,774,000 1.050
22 Player22 1,572,000 1,354,792 840,196 430,354 4,197,342 4,164,572 1.008
23 Player14 1,571,464 1,300,000 1,239,500 327,303 4,438,267 4,194,500 1.058
24 Player33 1,570,000 1,347,984 1,219,076 422,628 4,559,688 4,400,000 1.036
25 Player03 1,500,000 1,280,000 1,174,824 813,714 4,768,538 4,523,620 1.054
26 Player32 1,475,560 1,272,000 926,184 114,500 3,788,244 3,430,100 1.104
27 Player01 1,261,000 1,103,784 825,100 763,384 3,953,268 3,627,147 1.090
28 Player30 1,218,438 710,694 737,000 445,972 3,112,104 2,990,376 1.041
29 Player38 1,193,223 945,747 754,482 667,776 3,561,228 3,340,000 1.066
30 Player31 1,160,000 747,348 761,493 420,024 3,088,865 2,960,487 1.043
31 Player00 1,150,419 883,000 821,148 528,804 3,383,371 3,119,772 1.084
32 Player37 1,060,260 712,293 618,000 400,000 2,790,553 2,416,335 1.155
33 Player25 924,345 789,045 732,834 312,000 2,758,224 2,645,730 1.043
34 Player18 899,130 641,691 853,374 641,814 3,036,009 1,634,748 1.857
35 Player11 nan nan nan 1,100,000 nan nan nan

1.2.18. Serialization/Deserialization

CSV is a popular way to store data from a Pandas DataFrame. If the data is large, it might be better to use compression to store the data in CSV format. Below, we simulate some fake data that is large.

df = pd.DataFrame(((i for i in range(20)) for j in range(50_000)))
(50000, 20)

Let’s see what the serialization times are for different compression methods.

  • no compression

  • zip compression

  • gzip compression

  • bzip2 compression

  • xz compression

  • feather compression (available for download at PyPi)

DO NOT trust these results. A more complete comparison of different formats is analyzed elsewhere.


CPU times: user 217 ms, sys: 6.66 ms, total: 224 ms
Wall time: 223 ms

df.to_csv('./_temp/df.csv.zip', compression='zip')
CPU times: user 230 ms, sys: 5.68 ms, total: 236 ms
Wall time: 234 ms

df.to_csv('./_temp/df.csv.gz', compression='gzip')
CPU times: user 282 ms, sys: 4.21 ms, total: 286 ms
Wall time: 288 ms

df.to_csv('./_temp/df.csv.bz2', compression='bz2')
CPU times: user 706 ms, sys: 22.7 ms, total: 729 ms
Wall time: 825 ms

df.to_csv('./_temp/df.csv.xz', compression='xz')
CPU times: user 1.62 s, sys: 63.8 ms, total: 1.69 s
Wall time: 1.83 s
import pyarrow.feather as feather

feather.write_feather(df, './_temp/df.feather')
CPU times: user 77.6 ms, sys: 11.6 ms, total: 89.3 ms
Wall time: 92.8 ms

Here are the deserialization times for each compression method.


_ = pd.read_csv('./_temp/df.csv', index_col=0)
CPU times: user 64.1 ms, sys: 25.1 ms, total: 89.2 ms
Wall time: 95.4 ms

_ = pd.read_csv('./_temp/df.csv.zip', index_col=0, compression='zip')
CPU times: user 76.9 ms, sys: 28.2 ms, total: 105 ms
Wall time: 118 ms

_ = pd.read_csv('./_temp/df.csv.gz', index_col=0, compression='gzip')
CPU times: user 77.5 ms, sys: 30.2 ms, total: 108 ms
Wall time: 120 ms

_ = pd.read_csv('./_temp/df.csv.bz2', index_col=0, compression='bz2')
CPU times: user 114 ms, sys: 32.4 ms, total: 146 ms
Wall time: 163 ms

_ = pd.read_csv('./_temp/df.csv.xz', index_col=0, compression='xz')
CPU times: user 71.4 ms, sys: 24.8 ms, total: 96.2 ms
Wall time: 100 ms

_ = feather.read_feather('./_temp/df.feather')
CPU times: user 10.5 ms, sys: 14.2 ms, total: 24.8 ms
Wall time: 11.9 ms

1.2.19. Time-based operations

These are operations that may help you in dealing with time-series data.

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'uid': ['a'] * 3 + ['b'] * 4 + ['c'] * 3,
    'datetime': pd.to_datetime([f'2022-01-{i+1:02}' for i in range(10)]),
    'amount': list(range(10))

uid datetime amount
0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 a 2022-01-02 1
2 a 2022-01-03 2
3 b 2022-01-04 3
4 b 2022-01-05 4
5 b 2022-01-06 5
6 b 2022-01-07 6
7 c 2022-01-08 7
8 c 2022-01-09 8
9 c 2022-01-10 9

We can also shift the records forwards or backwards. Here’s a forward shift which causes the first record of a group to be null.

df \
    .set_index('datetime') \
    .groupby(['uid']) \
    .shift(1) \
    .reset_index() \
    .assign(uid=lambda d: df['uid'])
datetime amount uid
0 2022-01-01 NaN a
1 2022-01-02 0.0 a
2 2022-01-03 1.0 a
3 2022-01-04 NaN b
4 2022-01-05 3.0 b
5 2022-01-06 4.0 b
6 2022-01-07 5.0 b
7 2022-01-08 NaN c
8 2022-01-09 7.0 c
9 2022-01-10 8.0 c

Here’s a backward shift which causes the last record of a group to be null.

df \
    .set_index('datetime') \
    .groupby(['uid']) \
    .shift(-1) \
    .reset_index() \
    .assign(uid=lambda d: df['uid'])
datetime amount uid
0 2022-01-01 1.0 a
1 2022-01-02 2.0 a
2 2022-01-03 NaN a
3 2022-01-04 4.0 b
4 2022-01-05 5.0 b
5 2022-01-06 6.0 b
6 2022-01-07 NaN b
7 2022-01-08 8.0 c
8 2022-01-09 9.0 c
9 2022-01-10 NaN c

You can also give row numbers to each record of a group. This operation is like the following SQL.

ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime) as uid_order
df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid']) \
    .cumcount() \
    .to_frame(name='uid_order') \
uid_order uid datetime amount
0 0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 1 a 2022-01-02 1
2 2 a 2022-01-03 2
3 0 b 2022-01-04 3
4 1 b 2022-01-05 4
5 2 b 2022-01-06 5
6 3 b 2022-01-07 6
7 0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 1 c 2022-01-09 8
9 2 c 2022-01-10 9

You can also perform lag and lead over the dataframe by group using shift(). This example is a lag operation.

LAG(datetime) over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime) as datetime_left
LAG(amount) over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime) as amount_left
df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid']) \
    .shift(1) \
    .join(df, lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
datetime_left amount_left uid datetime_right amount_right
0 NaT NaN a 2022-01-01 0
1 2022-01-01 0.0 a 2022-01-02 1
2 2022-01-02 1.0 a 2022-01-03 2
3 NaT NaN b 2022-01-04 3
4 2022-01-04 3.0 b 2022-01-05 4
5 2022-01-05 4.0 b 2022-01-06 5
6 2022-01-06 5.0 b 2022-01-07 6
7 NaT NaN c 2022-01-08 7
8 2022-01-08 7.0 c 2022-01-09 8
9 2022-01-09 8.0 c 2022-01-10 9

This example is a lead operation.

LEAD(datetime) over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime) as datetime_left
LEAD(amount) over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime) as amount_left
df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid']) \
    .shift(-1) \
    .join(df, lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')
datetime_left amount_left uid datetime_right amount_right
0 2022-01-02 1.0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 2022-01-03 2.0 a 2022-01-02 1
2 NaT NaN a 2022-01-03 2
3 2022-01-05 4.0 b 2022-01-04 3
4 2022-01-06 5.0 b 2022-01-05 4
5 2022-01-07 6.0 b 2022-01-06 5
6 NaT NaN b 2022-01-07 6
7 2022-01-09 8.0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 2022-01-10 9.0 c 2022-01-09 8
9 NaT NaN c 2022-01-10 9

Here is an example to calculate the percentile rank within each group.

PERCENT_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY amount) as perc_amount
df \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .rank(pct=True) \
    .to_frame(name='perc_amount')  \
perc_amount uid datetime amount
0 0.333333 a 2022-01-01 0
1 0.666667 a 2022-01-02 1
2 1.000000 a 2022-01-03 2
3 0.250000 b 2022-01-04 3
4 0.500000 b 2022-01-05 4
5 0.750000 b 2022-01-06 5
6 1.000000 b 2022-01-07 6
7 0.333333 c 2022-01-08 7
8 0.666667 c 2022-01-09 8
9 1.000000 c 2022-01-10 9

Here’s how to get the cummulative sum of a group.

df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .cumsum() \
    .to_frame(name='cumsum_amount') \
cumsum_amount uid datetime amount
0 0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 1 a 2022-01-02 1
2 3 a 2022-01-03 2
3 3 b 2022-01-04 3
4 7 b 2022-01-05 4
5 12 b 2022-01-06 5
6 18 b 2022-01-07 6
7 7 c 2022-01-08 7
8 15 c 2022-01-09 8
9 24 c 2022-01-10 9

Here’s how to get the 3-day rolling sum.

SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as rolling_cumsum_amount
df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .rolling(3, min_periods=1) \
    .sum() \
    .reset_index(drop=True, level=0) \
    .to_frame(name='rolling_cumsum_amount') \
rolling_cumsum_amount uid datetime amount
0 0.0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 1.0 a 2022-01-02 1
2 3.0 a 2022-01-03 2
3 3.0 b 2022-01-04 3
4 7.0 b 2022-01-05 4
5 12.0 b 2022-01-06 5
6 15.0 b 2022-01-07 6
7 7.0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 15.0 c 2022-01-09 8
9 24.0 c 2022-01-10 9

Here’s how to compute the sum of a field and associate it with every row in a group.

SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY uid) as total_amount
df \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .transform('sum') \
    .to_frame(name='total_amount') \
total_amount uid datetime amount
0 3 a 2022-01-01 0
1 3 a 2022-01-02 1
2 3 a 2022-01-03 2
3 18 b 2022-01-04 3
4 18 b 2022-01-05 4
5 18 b 2022-01-06 5
6 18 b 2022-01-07 6
7 24 c 2022-01-08 7
8 24 c 2022-01-09 8
9 24 c 2022-01-10 9

We can also compute the average of a field and associate it with every row of a group.

AVG(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY uid) as total_amount
df \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .transform('mean') \
    .to_frame(name='total_amount') \
total_amount uid datetime amount
0 1.0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 1.0 a 2022-01-02 1
2 1.0 a 2022-01-03 2
3 4.5 b 2022-01-04 3
4 4.5 b 2022-01-05 4
5 4.5 b 2022-01-06 5
6 4.5 b 2022-01-07 6
7 8.0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 8.0 c 2022-01-09 8
9 8.0 c 2022-01-10 9

Here’s how to get a rolling average.

AVG(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY datetime ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as rolling_avg_amount
df \
    .sort_values(['datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .rolling(3, min_periods=1) \
    .mean() \
    .reset_index(drop=True, level=0) \
    .to_frame(name='rolling_avg_amount') \
rolling_avg_amount uid datetime amount
0 0.0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 0.5 a 2022-01-02 1
2 1.0 a 2022-01-03 2
3 3.0 b 2022-01-04 3
4 3.5 b 2022-01-05 4
5 4.0 b 2022-01-06 5
6 5.0 b 2022-01-07 6
7 7.0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 7.5 c 2022-01-09 8
9 8.0 c 2022-01-10 9

The transform() function is very versatile. You can expand the data with multiple functions.

df \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .transform('sum') \
    .transform([lambda v: v, np.sqrt, np.exp]) \
<lambda> sqrt exp uid datetime amount
0 3 1.732051 2.008554e+01 a 2022-01-01 0
1 3 1.732051 2.008554e+01 a 2022-01-02 1
2 3 1.732051 2.008554e+01 a 2022-01-03 2
3 18 4.242641 6.565997e+07 b 2022-01-04 3
4 18 4.242641 6.565997e+07 b 2022-01-05 4
5 18 4.242641 6.565997e+07 b 2022-01-06 5
6 18 4.242641 6.565997e+07 b 2022-01-07 6
7 24 4.898979 2.648912e+10 c 2022-01-08 7
8 24 4.898979 2.648912e+10 c 2022-01-09 8
9 24 4.898979 2.648912e+10 c 2022-01-10 9
df \
    .groupby(['uid'])['amount'] \
    .rank(method='first') \
    .to_frame(name='rank_amount')  \
rank_amount uid datetime amount
0 1.0 a 2022-01-01 0
1 2.0 a 2022-01-02 1
2 3.0 a 2022-01-03 2
3 1.0 b 2022-01-04 3
4 2.0 b 2022-01-05 4
5 3.0 b 2022-01-06 5
6 4.0 b 2022-01-07 6
7 1.0 c 2022-01-08 7
8 2.0 c 2022-01-09 8
9 3.0 c 2022-01-10 9

If you wanted to get the first record of a group, use rank().

df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first') == 1
0     True
1    False
2    False
3     True
4    False
5    False
6    False
7     True
8    False
9    False
Name: datetime, dtype: bool

If you wanted to get the second record of a group.

df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first') == 2
0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
4     True
5    False
6    False
7    False
8     True
9    False
Name: datetime, dtype: bool

If you want to get the last record of a group.

df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first', ascending=False) == 1
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
5    False
6     True
7    False
8    False
9     True
Name: datetime, dtype: bool

If you want to get the second to last record of a group.

df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first', ascending=False) == 2
0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
4    False
5     True
6    False
7    False
8     True
9    False
Name: datetime, dtype: bool

Let’s have fun with forward ffill() and backward bfill() filling. We will find the first and last dates and use forward and backward filling to add the first and last dates as new columns. Then, we will compute, yet, new columns representing the time since the start and time to the end.

indicators = df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first') == 1

first_date = df['datetime'][indicators]

uid datetime amount first_value
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-01
1 a 2022-01-02 1 NaT
2 a 2022-01-03 2 NaT
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-04
4 b 2022-01-05 4 NaT
5 b 2022-01-06 5 NaT
6 b 2022-01-07 6 NaT
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-08
8 c 2022-01-09 8 NaT
9 c 2022-01-10 9 NaT
uid datetime amount first_value
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-01
1 a 2022-01-02 1 2022-01-01
2 a 2022-01-03 2 2022-01-01
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-04
4 b 2022-01-05 4 2022-01-04
5 b 2022-01-06 5 2022-01-04
6 b 2022-01-07 6 2022-01-04
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-08
8 c 2022-01-09 8 2022-01-08
9 c 2022-01-10 9 2022-01-08
indicators = df \
    .sort_values(['uid', 'datetime']) \
    .groupby(['uid'])['datetime'] \
    .rank(method='first', ascending=False) == 1

last_date = df['datetime'][indicators]

uid datetime amount last_value
0 a 2022-01-01 0 NaT
1 a 2022-01-02 1 NaT
2 a 2022-01-03 2 2022-01-03
3 b 2022-01-04 3 NaT
4 b 2022-01-05 4 NaT
5 b 2022-01-06 5 NaT
6 b 2022-01-07 6 2022-01-07
7 c 2022-01-08 7 NaT
8 c 2022-01-09 8 NaT
9 c 2022-01-10 9 2022-01-10
uid datetime amount last_value
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-03
1 a 2022-01-02 1 2022-01-03
2 a 2022-01-03 2 2022-01-03
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-07
4 b 2022-01-05 4 2022-01-07
5 b 2022-01-06 5 2022-01-07
6 b 2022-01-07 6 2022-01-07
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-10
8 c 2022-01-09 8 2022-01-10
9 c 2022-01-10 9 2022-01-10
df \
uid datetime amount first_date last_date
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-01 NaT
1 a 2022-01-02 1 NaT NaT
2 a 2022-01-03 2 NaT 2022-01-03
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-04 NaT
4 b 2022-01-05 4 NaT NaT
5 b 2022-01-06 5 NaT NaT
6 b 2022-01-07 6 NaT 2022-01-07
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-08 NaT
8 c 2022-01-09 8 NaT NaT
9 c 2022-01-10 9 NaT 2022-01-10
df \
        first_date=lambda d: d['first_val'].ffill(),
        last_date=lambda d: d['last_val'].bfill())
uid datetime amount first_val first_date last_val last_date
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-01 2022-01-01 NaT 2022-01-03
1 a 2022-01-02 1 NaT 2022-01-01 NaT 2022-01-03
2 a 2022-01-03 2 NaT 2022-01-01 2022-01-03 2022-01-03
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-04 2022-01-04 NaT 2022-01-07
4 b 2022-01-05 4 NaT 2022-01-04 NaT 2022-01-07
5 b 2022-01-06 5 NaT 2022-01-04 NaT 2022-01-07
6 b 2022-01-07 6 NaT 2022-01-04 2022-01-07 2022-01-07
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-08 2022-01-08 NaT 2022-01-10
8 c 2022-01-09 8 NaT 2022-01-08 NaT 2022-01-10
9 c 2022-01-10 9 NaT 2022-01-08 2022-01-10 2022-01-10
df \
        first_date=lambda d: d['first_val'].ffill(),
        last_date=lambda d: d['last_val'].bfill()) \
    .drop(columns=['first_val', 'last_val']) \
        from_start=lambda d: d['datetime'] - d['first_date'],
        to_end=lambda d: d['last_date'] - d['datetime'])
uid datetime amount first_date last_date from_start to_end
0 a 2022-01-01 0 2022-01-01 2022-01-03 0 days 2 days
1 a 2022-01-02 1 2022-01-01 2022-01-03 1 days 1 days
2 a 2022-01-03 2 2022-01-01 2022-01-03 2 days 0 days
3 b 2022-01-04 3 2022-01-04 2022-01-07 0 days 3 days
4 b 2022-01-05 4 2022-01-04 2022-01-07 1 days 2 days
5 b 2022-01-06 5 2022-01-04 2022-01-07 2 days 1 days
6 b 2022-01-07 6 2022-01-04 2022-01-07 3 days 0 days
7 c 2022-01-08 7 2022-01-08 2022-01-10 0 days 2 days
8 c 2022-01-09 8 2022-01-08 2022-01-10 1 days 1 days
9 c 2022-01-10 9 2022-01-08 2022-01-10 2 days 0 days

We can resample the data and use forward fill to expand the data.

datetime uid amount
0 2022-01-01 00:00:00 a 0
1 2022-01-01 06:00:00 a 0
2 2022-01-01 12:00:00 a 0
3 2022-01-01 18:00:00 a 0
4 2022-01-02 00:00:00 a 1
5 2022-01-02 06:00:00 a 1
6 2022-01-02 12:00:00 a 1
7 2022-01-02 18:00:00 a 1
8 2022-01-03 00:00:00 a 2
9 2022-01-03 06:00:00 a 2
10 2022-01-03 12:00:00 a 2
11 2022-01-03 18:00:00 a 2
12 2022-01-04 00:00:00 b 3
13 2022-01-04 06:00:00 b 3
14 2022-01-04 12:00:00 b 3
15 2022-01-04 18:00:00 b 3
16 2022-01-05 00:00:00 b 4
17 2022-01-05 06:00:00 b 4
18 2022-01-05 12:00:00 b 4
19 2022-01-05 18:00:00 b 4
20 2022-01-06 00:00:00 b 5
21 2022-01-06 06:00:00 b 5
22 2022-01-06 12:00:00 b 5
23 2022-01-06 18:00:00 b 5
24 2022-01-07 00:00:00 b 6
25 2022-01-07 06:00:00 b 6
26 2022-01-07 12:00:00 b 6
27 2022-01-07 18:00:00 b 6
28 2022-01-08 00:00:00 c 7
29 2022-01-08 06:00:00 c 7
30 2022-01-08 12:00:00 c 7
31 2022-01-08 18:00:00 c 7
32 2022-01-09 00:00:00 c 8
33 2022-01-09 06:00:00 c 8
34 2022-01-09 12:00:00 c 8
35 2022-01-09 18:00:00 c 8
36 2022-01-10 00:00:00 c 9

We can also interpolate data.

df \
    .set_index('datetime') \
    .resample('6H') \
    .interpolate() \
    .reset_index() \
    .assign(uid=lambda d: d['uid'].ffill())
datetime uid amount
0 2022-01-01 00:00:00 a 0.00
1 2022-01-01 06:00:00 a 0.25
2 2022-01-01 12:00:00 a 0.50
3 2022-01-01 18:00:00 a 0.75
4 2022-01-02 00:00:00 a 1.00
5 2022-01-02 06:00:00 a 1.25
6 2022-01-02 12:00:00 a 1.50
7 2022-01-02 18:00:00 a 1.75
8 2022-01-03 00:00:00 a 2.00
9 2022-01-03 06:00:00 a 2.25
10 2022-01-03 12:00:00 a 2.50
11 2022-01-03 18:00:00 a 2.75
12 2022-01-04 00:00:00 b 3.00
13 2022-01-04 06:00:00 b 3.25
14 2022-01-04 12:00:00 b 3.50
15 2022-01-04 18:00:00 b 3.75
16 2022-01-05 00:00:00 b 4.00
17 2022-01-05 06:00:00 b 4.25
18 2022-01-05 12:00:00 b 4.50
19 2022-01-05 18:00:00 b 4.75
20 2022-01-06 00:00:00 b 5.00
21 2022-01-06 06:00:00 b 5.25
22 2022-01-06 12:00:00 b 5.50
23 2022-01-06 18:00:00 b 5.75
24 2022-01-07 00:00:00 b 6.00
25 2022-01-07 06:00:00 b 6.25
26 2022-01-07 12:00:00 b 6.50
27 2022-01-07 18:00:00 b 6.75
28 2022-01-08 00:00:00 c 7.00
29 2022-01-08 06:00:00 c 7.25
30 2022-01-08 12:00:00 c 7.50
31 2022-01-08 18:00:00 c 7.75
32 2022-01-09 00:00:00 c 8.00
33 2022-01-09 06:00:00 c 8.25
34 2022-01-09 12:00:00 c 8.50
35 2022-01-09 18:00:00 c 8.75
36 2022-01-10 00:00:00 c 9.00