Natural Language Toolkit or NLTK is an API to process text data. A lot of Natural Language Processing NLP tasks may be accomplished with NLTK.

text = [
    'Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python',
    'Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking',
    'Practical Statistics for Data Scientists',
    'Build a Career in Data Science',
    'Python Data Science Handbook',
    'Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals',
    'R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data',
    'Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control',
    'A Hands-On Introduction to Data Science',
    'Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and The Cloud',
    'How Finance Works: The HBR Guide to Thinking Smart About the Numbers',
    'The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel',
    'Introduction to Finance: Markets, Investments, and Financial Management',
    'Python for Finance: Mastering Data-Driven Finance',
    'The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance: A Visual Reference for Everything You Need to Know',
    'Personal Finance For Dummies',
    'Corporate Finance For Dummies',
    'Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World',
    'Real Estate Finance & Investments',
    'Real Estate Finance and Investments Risks and Opportunities'

8.1. Stop words

It is common to remove stop words from a corpus of documents. NLTK has some default and available stop words for different languages. Below, we show how to use the English stop words from NLTK with scikit’s CountVectorizer.

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
import pandas as pd

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(binary=True, stop_words=stop_words)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(text).todense()

bool_df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names())

(20, 74)
Index(['ai', 'analytic', 'bankers', 'big', 'book', 'broke', 'build',
       'business', 'career', 'cloud', 'computer', 'control', 'corporate',
       'counsel', 'data', 'definitive', 'driven', 'dummies', 'dynamical',
       'engineering', 'estate', 'everything', 'finance', 'financial', 'first',
       'guide', 'handbook', 'hands', 'hbr', 'import', 'infographic',
       'intelligent', 'intro', 'introduction', 'investing', 'investments',
       'investor', 'know', 'learning', 'lords', 'machine', 'management',
       'markets', 'mastering', 'mining', 'model', 'need', 'numbers',
       'opportunities', 'personal', 'practical', 'principles', 'professionals',
       'program', 'python', 'real', 'reference', 'risks', 'science',
       'scientists', 'scratch', 'smart', 'statistics', 'storytelling',
       'systems', 'thinking', 'tidy', 'transform', 'value', 'visual',
       'visualization', 'visualize', 'works', 'world'],

8.2. Tokenization

NLTK can also tokenize words. Notice how characters such as : and & are separated into their own token?

import nltk

for title in text:
['Data', 'Science', 'from', 'Scratch', ':', 'First', 'Principles', 'with', 'Python']
['Data', 'Science', 'for', 'Business', ':', 'What', 'You', 'Need', 'to', 'Know', 'about', 'Data', 'Mining', 'and', 'Data-Analytic', 'Thinking']
['Practical', 'Statistics', 'for', 'Data', 'Scientists']
['Build', 'a', 'Career', 'in', 'Data', 'Science']
['Python', 'Data', 'Science', 'Handbook']
['Storytelling', 'with', 'Data', ':', 'A', 'Data', 'Visualization', 'Guide', 'for', 'Business', 'Professionals']
['R', 'for', 'Data', 'Science', ':', 'Import', ',', 'Tidy', ',', 'Transform', ',', 'Visualize', ',', 'and', 'Model', 'Data']
['Data-Driven', 'Science', 'and', 'Engineering', ':', 'Machine', 'Learning', ',', 'Dynamical', 'Systems', ',', 'and', 'Control']
['A', 'Hands-On', 'Introduction', 'to', 'Data', 'Science']
['Intro', 'to', 'Python', 'for', 'Computer', 'Science', 'and', 'Data', 'Science', ':', 'Learning', 'to', 'Program', 'with', 'AI', ',', 'Big', 'Data', 'and', 'The', 'Cloud']
['How', 'Finance', 'Works', ':', 'The', 'HBR', 'Guide', 'to', 'Thinking', 'Smart', 'About', 'the', 'Numbers']
['The', 'Intelligent', 'Investor', ':', 'The', 'Definitive', 'Book', 'on', 'Value', 'Investing', '.', 'A', 'Book', 'of', 'Practical', 'Counsel']
['Introduction', 'to', 'Finance', ':', 'Markets', ',', 'Investments', ',', 'and', 'Financial', 'Management']
['Python', 'for', 'Finance', ':', 'Mastering', 'Data-Driven', 'Finance']
['The', 'Infographic', 'Guide', 'to', 'Personal', 'Finance', ':', 'A', 'Visual', 'Reference', 'for', 'Everything', 'You', 'Need', 'to', 'Know']
['Personal', 'Finance', 'For', 'Dummies']
['Corporate', 'Finance', 'For', 'Dummies']
['Lords', 'of', 'Finance', ':', 'The', 'Bankers', 'Who', 'Broke', 'the', 'World']
['Real', 'Estate', 'Finance', '&', 'Investments']
['Real', 'Estate', 'Finance', 'and', 'Investments', 'Risks', 'and', 'Opportunities']

8.3. Stemming

Stemming is reducing a word to its base form. We typically stem words after tokenization. Notice how the stemmer leads to a lower casing of the words?

from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer

stemmer = PorterStemmer()

for title in text:
    print([stemmer.stem(token) for token in nltk.word_tokenize(title)])
['data', 'scienc', 'from', 'scratch', ':', 'first', 'principl', 'with', 'python']
['data', 'scienc', 'for', 'busi', ':', 'what', 'you', 'need', 'to', 'know', 'about', 'data', 'mine', 'and', 'data-analyt', 'think']
['practic', 'statist', 'for', 'data', 'scientist']
['build', 'a', 'career', 'in', 'data', 'scienc']
['python', 'data', 'scienc', 'handbook']
['storytel', 'with', 'data', ':', 'A', 'data', 'visual', 'guid', 'for', 'busi', 'profession']
['R', 'for', 'data', 'scienc', ':', 'import', ',', 'tidi', ',', 'transform', ',', 'visual', ',', 'and', 'model', 'data']
['data-driven', 'scienc', 'and', 'engin', ':', 'machin', 'learn', ',', 'dynam', 'system', ',', 'and', 'control']
['A', 'hands-on', 'introduct', 'to', 'data', 'scienc']
['intro', 'to', 'python', 'for', 'comput', 'scienc', 'and', 'data', 'scienc', ':', 'learn', 'to', 'program', 'with', 'AI', ',', 'big', 'data', 'and', 'the', 'cloud']
['how', 'financ', 'work', ':', 'the', 'hbr', 'guid', 'to', 'think', 'smart', 'about', 'the', 'number']
['the', 'intellig', 'investor', ':', 'the', 'definit', 'book', 'on', 'valu', 'invest', '.', 'A', 'book', 'of', 'practic', 'counsel']
['introduct', 'to', 'financ', ':', 'market', ',', 'invest', ',', 'and', 'financi', 'manag']
['python', 'for', 'financ', ':', 'master', 'data-driven', 'financ']
['the', 'infograph', 'guid', 'to', 'person', 'financ', ':', 'A', 'visual', 'refer', 'for', 'everyth', 'you', 'need', 'to', 'know']
['person', 'financ', 'for', 'dummi']
['corpor', 'financ', 'for', 'dummi']
['lord', 'of', 'financ', ':', 'the', 'banker', 'who', 'broke', 'the', 'world']
['real', 'estat', 'financ', '&', 'invest']
['real', 'estat', 'financ', 'and', 'invest', 'risk', 'and', 'opportun']

Tokenization, stemming and removing stop words all go hand-in-hand, but it’s tricky to use NLTK’s out-of-the-box with scikit. Below is a demonstration of bringing together all three steps. Notice how we have 2 stop words?

  • en_stop_words is to remove stop words during tokenization and before stemming

  • stop_words is used to normalized the stop words themselves

import string

stemmer = PorterStemmer()
en_stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english') + list(string.punctuation))
stop_words = nltk.word_tokenize(' '.join(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')))

def tokenize(s):
    return [stemmer.stem(t) for t in nltk.word_tokenize(s) if t not in en_stop_words]

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(binary=True, tokenizer=tokenize, stop_words=stop_words)
<20x71 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
        with 115 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

8.4. Lemmatization

Lemmatization is also another way to bring a word into its base form. The key difference between stemming and lemmatizing a word is that the former might produce a something that is not an actual word, while the latter does. Lemmatization is often preferred over stemming because of its output.

from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer

lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()

for title in text:
    print([lemmatizer.lemmatize(token) for token in nltk.word_tokenize(title)])
['Data', 'Science', 'from', 'Scratch', ':', 'First', 'Principles', 'with', 'Python']
['Data', 'Science', 'for', 'Business', ':', 'What', 'You', 'Need', 'to', 'Know', 'about', 'Data', 'Mining', 'and', 'Data-Analytic', 'Thinking']
['Practical', 'Statistics', 'for', 'Data', 'Scientists']
['Build', 'a', 'Career', 'in', 'Data', 'Science']
['Python', 'Data', 'Science', 'Handbook']
['Storytelling', 'with', 'Data', ':', 'A', 'Data', 'Visualization', 'Guide', 'for', 'Business', 'Professionals']
['R', 'for', 'Data', 'Science', ':', 'Import', ',', 'Tidy', ',', 'Transform', ',', 'Visualize', ',', 'and', 'Model', 'Data']
['Data-Driven', 'Science', 'and', 'Engineering', ':', 'Machine', 'Learning', ',', 'Dynamical', 'Systems', ',', 'and', 'Control']
['A', 'Hands-On', 'Introduction', 'to', 'Data', 'Science']
['Intro', 'to', 'Python', 'for', 'Computer', 'Science', 'and', 'Data', 'Science', ':', 'Learning', 'to', 'Program', 'with', 'AI', ',', 'Big', 'Data', 'and', 'The', 'Cloud']
['How', 'Finance', 'Works', ':', 'The', 'HBR', 'Guide', 'to', 'Thinking', 'Smart', 'About', 'the', 'Numbers']
['The', 'Intelligent', 'Investor', ':', 'The', 'Definitive', 'Book', 'on', 'Value', 'Investing', '.', 'A', 'Book', 'of', 'Practical', 'Counsel']
['Introduction', 'to', 'Finance', ':', 'Markets', ',', 'Investments', ',', 'and', 'Financial', 'Management']
['Python', 'for', 'Finance', ':', 'Mastering', 'Data-Driven', 'Finance']
['The', 'Infographic', 'Guide', 'to', 'Personal', 'Finance', ':', 'A', 'Visual', 'Reference', 'for', 'Everything', 'You', 'Need', 'to', 'Know']
['Personal', 'Finance', 'For', 'Dummies']
['Corporate', 'Finance', 'For', 'Dummies']
['Lords', 'of', 'Finance', ':', 'The', 'Bankers', 'Who', 'Broke', 'the', 'World']
['Real', 'Estate', 'Finance', '&', 'Investments']
['Real', 'Estate', 'Finance', 'and', 'Investments', 'Risks', 'and', 'Opportunities']

8.5. Part-of-speech tagging

NLTK can also be used for for part-of-speech POS tagging.

tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text[0])
tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
[('Data', 'NNS'), ('Science', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('Scratch', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('First', 'JJ'), ('Principles', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('Python', 'NNP')]

If you are wondering what these tags mean, the following borrowed code below can help decipher these tags. These tags are based off the Penn Treebank tags.

from nltk.data import load as nltk_load

tag_dict = nltk_load('help/tagsets/upenn_tagset.pickle')
for k, v in tag_dict.items():
    print(f'{k} : {v[0]}')
LS : list item marker
TO : "to" as preposition or infinitive marker
VBN : verb, past participle
'' : closing quotation mark
WP : WH-pronoun
UH : interjection
VBG : verb, present participle or gerund
JJ : adjective or numeral, ordinal
VBZ : verb, present tense, 3rd person singular
-- : dash
VBP : verb, present tense, not 3rd person singular
NN : noun, common, singular or mass
DT : determiner
PRP : pronoun, personal
: : colon or ellipsis
WP$ : WH-pronoun, possessive
NNPS : noun, proper, plural
PRP$ : pronoun, possessive
WDT : WH-determiner
( : opening parenthesis
) : closing parenthesis
. : sentence terminator
, : comma
`` : opening quotation mark
$ : dollar
RB : adverb
RBR : adverb, comparative
RBS : adverb, superlative
VBD : verb, past tense
IN : preposition or conjunction, subordinating
FW : foreign word
RP : particle
JJR : adjective, comparative
JJS : adjective, superlative
PDT : pre-determiner
MD : modal auxiliary
VB : verb, base form
WRB : Wh-adverb
NNP : noun, proper, singular
EX : existential there
NNS : noun, common, plural
SYM : symbol
CC : conjunction, coordinating
CD : numeral, cardinal
POS : genitive marker

8.6. n-grams

We can also find n-grams using NLTK. To find n-grams, we have to first merge all the text data together (or merge all the titles together as if they were one long title).

from itertools import chain

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english') + list(string.punctuation))

is_valid = lambda t: t not in stop_words
tokenize = lambda t: nltk.word_tokenize(t.lower())
lemmatize = lambda t: lemmatizer.lemmatize(t)

tokens = list(chain(*[[lemmatize(t) for t in tokenize(t) if is_valid(t)] for t in text]))

The BigramCollocationFinder.from_words() can then be used to find the co-located words, and any of the BigramAssocMeasures can then be used to judge the relative strength of the co-location.

from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures
import pandas as pd

finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens)

measures = [

results = {}
for measure in measures:
    name = measure.__name__
    result = [{'measure': name, 'w1': w1, 'w2': w2, 'score': score}
               for (w1, w2), score in finder.score_ngrams(measure)]
    result = pd.DataFrame(result).sort_values(['score'], ascending=[False]).reset_index(drop=True)
    results[name] = result

These are the top 2-gram words found by each association measure.

pd.DataFrame([df.iloc[0] for _, df in results.items()])
measure w1 w2 score
0 chi_sq ai big 124.000000
0 dice ai big 1.000000
0 fisher ai big 1.000000
0 jaccard ai big 1.000000
0 likelihood_ratio data science 26.571291
0 mi_like data science 2.931624
0 phi_sq ai big 1.000000
0 poisson_stirling data science 13.238306
0 raw_freq data science 0.056452
0 student_t data science 2.289124

You can use the nbest() method to retrieve the best top ngrams.

max_ngrams = 1

[f'{w1} {w2}' for w1, w2 in [finder.nbest(m, max_ngrams)[0] for m in measures]]
['ai big',
 'ai big',
 'ai big',
 'ai big',
 'data science',
 'data science',
 'ai big',
 'data science',
 'data science',
 'data science']

8.7. Frequency distribution

You can use the FreqDist() class to count all the word frequencies.

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english') + list(string.punctuation))

is_valid = lambda t: t not in stop_words
tokenize = lambda t: nltk.word_tokenize(t.lower())
lemmatize = lambda t: lemmatizer.lemmatize(t)

tokens = list(chain(*[[lemmatize(t) for t in tokenize(t) if is_valid(t)] for t in text]))

frequencies = nltk.FreqDist(tokens)
s = pd.Series([v for _, v in frequencies.items()], frequencies.keys()).sort_values(ascending=False)
_ = s.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(15, 4))