15. optuna
optuna is a highly advanced hyperparameter tuning framework that goes beyond Scikit-Learn’s grid and random search. Let’s take a look at how we can use optuna to tune a model.
15.1. Load data
We will use the diabetes data.
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
X, y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
X.shape, y.shape
((442, 10), (442,))
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_tr, X_te, y_tr, y_te = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.10, random_state=37)
X_tr.shape, X_te.shape, y_tr.shape, y_te.shape
((397, 10), (45, 10), (397,), (45,))
15.2. Tuning
Now, the tuning begins. Optuna requires an objective
function that takes in a trial object and returns a scalar or tuple; when a tuple of scalar values is returned, the tuning is called multiobjective tuning. In this example, we have only one objective which is to minimize the mean absolute erorr MAE
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
import numpy as np
import optuna
def get_model(imputer_params={}, regressor_params={}):
model = Pipeline([
('imputer', SimpleImputer(**imputer_params)),
('regressor', RandomForestRegressor(**regressor_params))
return model
def objective(trial):
i_params = {
'strategy': trial.suggest_categorical('strategy', ['mean', 'median', 'most_frequent'])
r_params = {
'n_estimators': trial.suggest_int('n_estimators', 100, 200),
'min_samples_split': trial.suggest_int('min_samples_split', 2, 10),
'min_samples_leaf': trial.suggest_int('min_samples_leaf', 1, 10),
'criterion': trial.suggest_categorical('criterion', ['squared_error', 'absolute_error', 'poisson']),
'max_features': trial.suggest_categorical('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']),
'bootstrap': False,
'oob_score': False,
'warm_start': trial.suggest_categorical('warm_start', [True, False]),
'ccp_alpha': trial.suggest_float('ccp_alpha', 0, 1),
'max_depth': trial.suggest_int('max_depth', 1, 100),
'random_state': 37
model = get_model(i_params, r_params)
model.fit(X_tr, y_tr)
y_pred = model.predict(X_te)
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_te, y_pred)
rmse = mean_squared_error(y_te, y_pred, squared=False)
r2s = r2_score(y_te, y_pred)
trial.set_user_attr('mae', mae)
trial.set_user_attr('rmse', rmse)
trial.set_user_attr('r2s', r2s)
return mae
After we create an objective function, we can create a study and perform optimization.
study = optuna.create_study(**{
'study_name': 'dummy-study',
'storage': 'sqlite:///_temp/dummy-study.db',
'load_if_exists': True,
'direction': 'minimize',
'sampler': optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=37),
'pruner': optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(n_warmup_steps=10)
'func': objective,
'n_trials': 100,
'n_jobs': 1,
'show_progress_bar': False
Now we may look at the best hyperparameters, value (the value we are trying to optmize for), and trial.
{'ccp_alpha': 0.6016097921882426,
'criterion': 'absolute_error',
'max_depth': 6,
'max_features': 'auto',
'min_samples_leaf': 2,
'min_samples_split': 9,
'n_estimators': 193,
'strategy': 'most_frequent',
'warm_start': False}
FrozenTrial(number=62, values=[40.65555555555556], datetime_start=datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 1, 22, 34, 59, 583419), datetime_complete=datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 1, 22, 35, 1, 525495), params={'ccp_alpha': 0.6016097921882426, 'criterion': 'absolute_error', 'max_depth': 6, 'max_features': 'auto', 'min_samples_leaf': 2, 'min_samples_split': 9, 'n_estimators': 193, 'strategy': 'most_frequent', 'warm_start': False}, distributions={'ccp_alpha': FloatDistribution(high=1.0, log=False, low=0.0, step=None), 'criterion': CategoricalDistribution(choices=('squared_error', 'absolute_error', 'poisson')), 'max_depth': IntDistribution(high=100, log=False, low=1, step=1), 'max_features': CategoricalDistribution(choices=('auto', 'sqrt', 'log2')), 'min_samples_leaf': IntDistribution(high=10, log=False, low=1, step=1), 'min_samples_split': IntDistribution(high=10, log=False, low=2, step=1), 'n_estimators': IntDistribution(high=200, log=False, low=100, step=1), 'strategy': CategoricalDistribution(choices=('mean', 'median', 'most_frequent')), 'warm_start': CategoricalDistribution(choices=(True, False))}, user_attrs={'mae': 40.65555555555556, 'r2s': 0.5859187159569563, 'rmse': 53.93324062620792}, system_attrs={}, intermediate_values={}, trial_id=63, state=TrialState.COMPLETE, value=None)
The trial outputs may be retrieved from the study’s trials_dataframe()
number int64
value float64
datetime_start datetime64[ns]
datetime_complete datetime64[ns]
duration timedelta64[ns]
params_ccp_alpha float64
params_criterion object
params_max_depth int64
params_max_features object
params_min_samples_leaf int64
params_min_samples_split int64
params_n_estimators int64
params_strategy object
params_warm_start bool
user_attrs_mae float64
user_attrs_r2s float64
user_attrs_rmse float64
state object
dtype: object
study.trials_dataframe()[['number', 'params_criterion', 'params_min_samples_leaf', 'value', 'user_attrs_rmse', 'user_attrs_r2s']] \
.sort_values(['value', 'user_attrs_rmse', 'user_attrs_r2s']) \
number | params_criterion | params_min_samples_leaf | value | user_attrs_rmse | user_attrs_r2s | |
62 | 62 | absolute_error | 2 | 40.655556 | 53.933241 | 0.585919 |
92 | 92 | absolute_error | 1 | 40.655556 | 53.933241 | 0.585919 |
52 | 52 | absolute_error | 2 | 41.144444 | 54.060820 | 0.583957 |
53 | 53 | absolute_error | 2 | 41.144444 | 54.060820 | 0.583957 |
54 | 54 | absolute_error | 3 | 41.144444 | 54.060820 | 0.583957 |
We can continue the hyperparameter tuning at a later time.
_study = optuna.create_study(**{
'study_name': 'dummy-study',
'storage': 'sqlite:///_temp/dummy-study.db',
'load_if_exists': True,
'direction': 'minimize',
'sampler': optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=37),
'pruner': optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(n_warmup_steps=10)
'func': objective,
'n_trials': 10,
'n_jobs': 5,
'show_progress_bar': False
15.3. Plotting
There are several plots you may use to understand the hyperparameter optmization results.
from optuna.visualization import plot_optimization_history
'study': _study
from optuna.visualization import plot_parallel_coordinate
'study': _study
from optuna.visualization import plot_param_importances
'study': _study
from optuna.visualization import plot_slice
'study': _study,
'params': ['criterion', 'ccp_alpha', 'warm_start']
from optuna.visualization import plot_contour
'study': _study,
'params': ['criterion', 'min_samples_leaf', 'max_depth']
from optuna.visualization import plot_edf